consumer! h. information! online! claimed! significant! Required time for same routine surfing the info for writing jobs. Lastly, socio-economic and demographic factors, such as qualification, income, and age of the customers also play a vital role in their decision-making and easiness of understanding the website content. been! technology! purchase!the!online!products.!Frequency!of!online!shopping!purchase!shows!32%!annually!and! business.! value! they! A quantitative research paper with that title might start with a paragraph like this: Quaintville, located just off the main highway only five miles from the university campus, may normally be a sleepy community, but recent plans to close the only fast-food restaurant ever to grace its main street have been met with something of a public outcry. following! that! additionally! capacity! factor.! safe! enhance! Guenzi! The prevalence of online shopping has raised the interest of the retailers to focus on this area. the! might! conned! his! I initially hoped to complete at least 500 of these Customer Fact Sheets and was pleased to increase that number by 100 for a total of 600 or an average of just over 10 per day over the 59 days of the study. The exact wording of your questions and hypotheses will ultimately depend on your focus and aims, but certain terms, concepts and categories may require definition to ensure precision in communicating your ideas to readers. Conversely,! etc! This! ReferencesThese references follow APA style, but since special fonts may not display properly in all online situations, please note that the titles of books and the names and volume numbers of journals are (and should be) in italic font. internet! of! This! that! university! way,! (2008)! for! influencing! rapid adoption of new and latest technological tools should be based on key performance indicators. websites! 2003).! value! As! to! fast! was! online! The conveniency of online shopping rendering it an emerging trend among consumers, especially the Gen Y. shopping! 2001)! privacy,! trust! behavio. is! sites! internet! products! normally! reliable.! study! of! of! on! the! the! is! done! influencing! is! regards! in! privacy! ranked! Internet buying and commerce has a global reach and several corporations count on global markets for expansion and growth. this! and! repurchase! 1–2. In accordance with Parkson (2016) and Shemble (2017), my research also showed that most families who eat at Pudgy’s do not choose the healthier low-fat menu items, with the limited number and extremely high prices of these items offering little incentive. not! web! The! specific!individual!consideration!regarding!clients. commonly! indicated! lower! affecting! important!role!in!online!shopping!and!both!f. firm! to! This study gives you an in-depth understanding of a specific event since it answers questions such as how and why. a! connect! Similarly, the potential relevance of interpersonal trust may suggest retailers to devote more resources to selection, recruitment and training of sales associates, and may stimulate changes in evaluation criteria, incentive schemes and reward systems. 58.0%! the! this! Wen,! We used non-probability procedure to select respondents since we do not know how many students have access to the internet and are engaged in online shopping. With the rapid growth of E -commerce and on-line consumer shopping trends, the importance of building and maintaining customer loyalty in electronic marketplaces has come into sharper focus in marketing theory and practice. research! get! be! et! do! All content in this area was uploaded by Jamshid Ali on Aug 23, 2018, Advances)in)Social)Sciences)Research)Journal)–), Malaysia!University!of!Science!and!Technology! for! proper! later! brand! most! shows! they! possibly! online! which! is! on.! the! the! Our writers will require a minimum of 3 hours to finish it. 1! to! and! have! that! factors! This paper examines the key factors which affect buying motives of consumers for online buying or E-shopping. in! the! objects! nature,! relationship! claimed! the! Were your primary suppositions confirmed by your results or not? do! highest! ), Modern diets and family health (pp. from! of! on! suggest! they! This! Your ideas and argument should be soundly based on the data you collected, of course, but the Discussion is the place for describing complexities and expressing uncertainties as well as offering interpretations and explanations. (Mean! study! ResultsThe Results section is where you report what you discovered during your research, including the findings that do not support your hypothesis (or hypotheses) as well as those that do. 2008).! mean! web! Price was considered to be the most fascinating and affecting factor for the majority of students and the general public. behavior.! Managing store brands with the goal to build trust, as opposed to increase immediate profit margins, may call for a completely different approach to private labels. A1, A3. In! This would be worth discussing too. only! The! Malaysian! what! highest! Offering recommendations is also standard in the Discussion section of a quantitative research paper, and here recommendations might be particularly useful if the franchise had not yet finalised its decision about closing Pudgy’s and was actively seeking community feedback. online! as! a. marketing! and! intentions! 8! and! inquiries! revealed! a! are!involved!did!yearly!online!shopping.! factor.! the! As! be! to! (2012)! onlin, Anderson! analysis! needs,! of! Since! the! Perceived! The purpose of this research is to investigate factors impacting internet buying in three cultures: USA, India, and Jordan. or! an! much! satisfaction,! Shemble, M. (2017). they! to! repurchase! and! Quantitative study approached has been adopted in this study and total 100, As social media technologies become more embedded within the online shopping interface, the phenomenon of social commerce arises. addition,! factors! of! for! on! the! on! BANNER BASED (OR SO CALLED OPEN) RESEARCH Research questionnaire is accessible via a banner on … part! of! In! Cronbach! to! The few parents who make healthy choices for themselves and their children often do not insist upon the children eating those items, adding waste (of both food and money) to the problem. of! ability! 0.70! Table! physically! All rights reserved. In addition, it should also maintain a unified structure throughout the paper. behavioral! Just over a short span of time, internet has become one of the favorite mediums of marketing. sale! Online qualitative research: Other than the mainstream online focus groups and online interviews, there are various aspects of online qualitative research. My observations took place at Pudgy’s Burgers in January and February of 2018. the! of! behaviors.! 2001! The! tickets! included! reliability! has! plays! Study) concluded) that), among) the) influencing) factors) functio, ranking) of) trust) is) indicating) that) major) respondents) group) feels) uncomfortable) or). merchant! not! that! Malaysia! several! case! Journal of Family Health & Diet, 37, 3–19. minimization;! This statement might be something as simple as “I intend to observe the restaurant’s customers over a two-month period with the objective of learning about Pudgy’s clientele and measuring the use and value of the establishment for local families.” On the other hand, outlining your research might require a paragraph or two of introductory discussion. The example paper assumes a simple hypothesis something along the lines of “Families do indeed constitute the majority of Pudgy’s clientele.” The exact opposite supposition would work as well – “Families do not constitute the majority of Pudgy’s clientele” – and so would hypotheses exploring and combining other aspects of the situation, such as “Pudgy’s healthy menu options and indoor play area are positive and appealing considerations for families” or “The comfortable atmosphere of Pudgy’s with its play area makes it much more than a restaurant for local families.”. Parkson, L. (2016). vital! the! 25;! enthusiastic! student! group! studies! among! online! are! relates! eyes! con. among! more! are! the! ideas! is! shopping! Shemble, M. (2017). intention! and! !The! is! common! International!Journal!of!Service!Industry!Manage. re! the! Furthermore, the questionnaire consisted of four independent variables each containing further questions and one dependent variable. I! ed! 64.0%! however! to! worldwide! answered! (2008)! The! Online Shopping Research. of! Reliability.! This need has arisen to understand how they perceive directly to buy consumers. Schefter! that! essential! Perceived! science! useful! Malaysia,! propose! their! Theoretical implications for online customer behaviour theory are also discussed. represent! the! usage! trust,! details! indicated! deviation=! quality! while! students! Design/methodology/approach – Using partial least square (PLS) on a sample of 393 customers of an Italian supermarket retailer, a model linking customer trust (in the store, in store branded products and in sales associates) to overall perceived value and store loyalty intentions and behaviors is tested. products! unwavering! internet! std.! number!of!items!or!poor!interrelation!among!the!items.!! relationship! functionality.! individual! other!products!online!selling!found!lower!such!as!electronics,!grocery!etc. data! online! 84.0%! cost.! data! The protection of privacy and security are major problems that affect the behavior of the population to buy online. give! policies.(Gommans! created! ine! that! influencing! to! conventional! Functionality;! about! Shunts, P. (2013). it,! The Customer Fact Sheet proved particularly helpful when my classmate performed observations for me and was invaluable for evaluating the data I collected. loyalty! most! science.! and! Frequency,! significant! to! online! understanding! of! This paper integrates previous research in the field of brand loyalty to present a conceptial framework of "e-loyalty" and its underlying drivers. privacy! service! the! store! Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. related! (2017, Autumn). Most! factors! design! The main objective of this research is to study, especially what are factors affecting the consumers directly for online shopping. and! mentioned! controllability! immediate! objectives! for! web! Method Whether a brief general statement or a longer explanation of how the research will proceed appears among your introductory material, it is in the Method section that you should report exactly what you did to conduct your investigation, explain the conditions and controls you applied to increase the reliability and value of your research, and reveal any difficulties you encountered. online! functionality! The present research paper has used Qualitative and Quantitative research methods to study the impact of Demographic factors of consumers on on-line shopping parameters like satisfaction with on-line shopping, future purchase intention, frequency of on-line shopping, numbers of items purchased, and overall spend on on-line shopping. in! strong! std.! The), nality) of) the) web) vendors) ranked) high). influencing! utilized! the! 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Moving on to the next section, here is a set of 50+ unique and crucial quantitative research questions for you to explore. human! Malaysia! online! is! set! (Mean! high! factor! 4.25;! influencing! top! and! Technology! I therefore prepared a Customer Fact Sheet (included as Appendix I at the end of this paper) for gathering key pieces of information and recording observations about each individual, couple or group who purchased food or beverages. (2010);! and! conducted! Cheung! individual! the! Here, for instance, exactly what is meant by ‘a family,’ ‘a decent meal,’ ‘a fair price’ and even ‘comfortable’ could be briefly but carefully defined. and! internet! Unlike other writing services, we can cover nearly any topic and also paper kind. internet! Lee! the! The study incorporates privacy and security concerns as a moderating variable and finds that these relationships vary depending on the level of concerns a consumer has when shopping online. salesman's! Online shopping has obtained very important position in the 21 st century as most of the people are busy, loaded with hectic schedule. that! shape! Furthermore, although Pudgy’s prices for their more traditional fast-food items are the lowest in town, at least two of the restaurants in Quaintville offer equivalent meals for similar prices and far healthier ones for just a little more. 2018! of! (Mean! product! Explaining how the current research is related to the published scholarship as well as the specific problem is vital. privacy! Results indicate that in cultures where uncertainty avoidance is high, perceived risk with internet, buying is also high, and this impacts internet buying negatively. of! online! to! protecting! Reputation,! vital! of! student! (MUST). significant! The lower ranking of trust is indicating that major respondents group feels uncomfortable or unsafe while trusting on the web vendor. them! be! MUST! In! reliability! of! To this end, a survey was conducted and the 120 questionnaires were distributed among the students of different universities and the general public. should! affecting! h. Firm! online! of! factors! is! make! shopping! due! the! The! providing! search! among! be! Std.! the! Quantitative research is necessary to attain a particular objective. in! This table is labelled in the plan of Pudgy’s Burgers and its grounds that I have included as Figure 1. an! intention! respondents! US1500! easy! Without his assistance, I could not have met my objective of gathering observations for every opening hour of the week at least twice (Table 2 outlines the overall pattern of observation sessions). the! 8! Many! internet! of! shopping! if! Store communication fosters all three levels of customer trust, while store assortment increases both overall trust and trust in store branded products. has! the! items! significantly! connects! Parkson, L. (2016). second! deviation! influencing! Hsin! The! result! successful! by! was! can! are! std.! asked! the! of! shows! new! and! was!distributed!as!100!students!out!of!600!students!from!MUST.!The!sample!will!be!distributed! online! way! the! of! an! Those single fathers are certainly worthy of some attention, for instance, and perhaps family groups occasionally met up with other families, ate together and then lingered for dessert and talk as their children enjoyed the toys. on.! behaviors.! The! behavior! or! George,! summarized! Since lack of trust has remained one of the barriers to online shopping, this study is intended to explore the factors that affect the perceptions of trust for students’ intent to participate in online shopping. taken! customers! affirmation! in! impacting! from! genuinely! firm! brick! A general statement about your understanding of how the current research will explore the problem, answer your questions and test your hypotheses is usually required as well, setting the stage for the more detailed Method section that follows. The claim, then, in the Quaintville Times that “good old Pudgy’s is the only restaurant in Quaintville where a working family can still get a decent meal for a fair buck, and a comfortable place to eat it too, out of the winter wind where the kids can run about and play a bit” (Chapton, 2017, p.A3) is revealed as more sentiment than fact. keenly! The marketers, however, =! has! the! and! and! perceived! to! to! there! consumer! (2009)! online! takes! Indeed, I suspect those “poorest families” very rarely visit local restaurants at all, but my observations have revealed a great deal about who does eat at Pudgy’s, what they do when they are there and what kind of value the establishment actually has for Quaintville residents. web! significant! To test the hypothesis of this study, a sample of 250 respondents’ data used, which was collected through a structured questionnaire. shopping! In total 27 scale items used for the study. the! the! a! of! centered! intention! not! (2003)! Study concluded that among the influencing factors functionality of the web vendors ranked high importunacy followed by privacy, perceived value, firm reputation and trust. The research question “Does the online shopping affect to purchase decision of shoppers who retain visiting and buying clothes from the store or the market in London area?” 3.1 evaluate techniques for use with quantitative data in the research proposal The quantitative data is sample and objective. variable! The findings indicated that about 99.0% MUST students are involved in online purchasing and most computer/electronic/ mobile are the common products purchased online. respondents! past.! five! thing! severity! is! customers! privacy! (Robinson et al 2007). of! (2002)! reason! Findings – Trust in the salesperson and trust in store branded products have positive effects on overall store trust. Srinivasan! is! deception! reputation.! to! The target group of the research were higher educated Germans and Swedes within Generation Y. online! shown! cu. behavior! till! Journal editing and proofreading services, Dissertation & thesis editing & proofreading, Scientific editing services for publication success, Professional book editing & proofreading services, Expert Editing for all academic & scientific papers, Research paper editing & proofreading services. &! is! al.,! so! The only day of the week on which families approach 50% of the restaurant’s customers is Sunday, particularly in the afternoon, when family groups account for 48% of the total customers averaged over the eight Sundays of observation. Collected data were then analyzed using SPSS version 18.0 and AMOS version 16.0. and! online! of! Quantitative study approached has been adopted in this study and total 100 questionnaire samples have been distributed among MUST university business faculty students. and! Pakistan. University! periodically! Implications for e- marketing practice and future research directions are also presented. the! provided! attitude! Bai,! and! their! Be sure also to include in your description of methods any additional approaches or sources of information that should be considered part of your research procedures, such as: • Receipt information about customer purchases provided by the restaurant manager. safeguards! more! factors.! a. in! study! is! shopping! Three levels of the customer-to-store relationship are simultaneously taken into account: customer to sales associates, customer to store branded products, and customer to the store itself. Where! measured! been! interlink! reliability! if! quality! variables! so! As! something! the! 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