I am under the impression that the [Collection(...)] feature has a design flaw, in that it combines two completely separate aspects: One-time setup/teardown logic, and parallelism control. suite, and tearDown( ) is called once afterwards. Check out the code for TestSetup to As you can see from the above example, I've created two methods. Class level setup for Tests1. This will include the ASP.NET Core Web API application that we are testing. Test class setup. I am a .NET developer, building web applications in .NET Framework and .NET Core with a SQL Server database. But you have to include additional attributes to a method to allow to pass in multiple values. I wrote xUnit.NET tests for this, but you could apply the same approach with NUnit, mbUnit, or whatever you use. If I put tests into two different projects such as Dev Test in Dev project(not using IFixture) and Stagging Test in Stagging project using IFixture then they are all green. each individual unit test method within Nuget makes setting up your test project easy just grab the xUnit package and start writing tests. Verify direct outputs 6. Microsoft is using xUnit internally, one of its creators is from Microsoft. It’s time to login into the VM, install .NET Core SDK and start coding. Does anyone know of a way of performing one-time setup and teardown per Test::Unit::TestCase? xUnit Set of frameworks originating from SUnit (Smalltalk's testing framework). Here are some of the topics I'm going to cover. Based on the xUnit architecture. Test1 . Subject: Test::Unit and one-time setup and teardown From: Ara Vartanian